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Confirm eligibility

Please visit the League Finder to confirm that your player resides or attends school within the Ladera Little League boundaries.

One of the key differences that sets Little League apart from many other youth organizations is our boundary regulations, which are specifically designed to maintain that community, hometown spirit. Your child must live or attend school within the Ladera Little League boundaries to register and be eligible for tournament play, including All Stars. In some cases, a waiver can be requested. Waivers should be sought at the outset of the spring season. As registrations are held from coast to coast, and beyond, it’s important for parents to better familiarize themselves with these regulations, so they understand exactly what Little League Baseball® and Little League Softball® offer to children, families, and communities.

Please click here to read more about little league boundaries. You may also verify your child's eligibility (without a waiver) to play at Ladera Little League by visiting the League Finder.

Registration Listing

2025 Spring Baseball

Baseball - (Co-ed League age 4 - 14) Tee ball, Rookie, Minor, Major and Junior divisions only.

Tee Ball - (League age 4 - 6) 
Provides basic fundamentals of the game and introduces players to the concept of team play. This is a non-competitive division where players hit off a batting Tee. Scores are not officially recorded.

Rookie - (League age 7 - 8)
Players upgrade from a batting tee to a pitching machine or coach pitch. Rookie provides players a better understanding and concept of the game. Basic skills are refined and stressed and players generally play multiple positions. 6 year olds are eligible to play if they have played one year of T-ball, and thus teams are composed of players of various ages and abilities. This is a non-competitive division where live pitching is introduced. Players continue to cycle through the positions and plays are made with some consistency.

Minor - (League age 9 - 10)
Skill level increases and players are mixed with a variety of age levels and abilities. Players become more familiar with new positions and plays are now being made on a consistent basis. Players are allowed to steal any base and strategy is introduced.

Majors - (League age 11 - 12) 
Advanced play. Skill level is much higher than that of the Minor Division. Play is faster and pitching is more consistent and accurate. Strategy becomes an integral part of the game.

Juniors – (League age 13 - 14) High level and skill play. Players are seeking to become high school, college and perhaps even professional prospects.

Major - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/08/2025 to 05/31/2025
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Junior - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/08/2025 to 05/31/2025
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2025 Spring Softball

Softball - (Girls League age 5-12) Rookie, Minor, and Major divisions only.

Rookie Softball - (League age 5-8)
Players upgrade from a batting tee to a pitching machine or coach pitch. Rookie provides players a better understanding and concept of the game. Basic skills are refined and stressed and players generally play multiple positions. 5 year olds are eligible to play if they have played one year of T-ball, and thus teams are composed of players of various ages and abilities. This is a non-competitive division where live pitching is introduced. Players continue to cycle through the positions and plays are made with some consistency.

Minor Softball - (League age 8-10)
Skill level increases and players are mixed with a variety of age levels and abilities. Players become more familiar with new positions and plays are now being made on a consistent basis. Players are allowed to steal any base and strategy is introduced.

Majors Softball - (League age 10-12) 
Advanced play. Skill level is much higher than that of Minor division. Play is faster and pitching becomes more consistent and accurate. Strategy becomes an integral part of the game.

Rookie - Coach Pitch - Little League Softball - Girls

Registration closes on 02/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/08/2025 to 05/31/2025
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Minor - Player Pitch - Little League Softball - Girls

Registration closes on 02/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/08/2025 to 05/31/2025
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Major - Little League Softball - Girls

Registration closes on 02/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/08/2025 to 05/31/2025
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